Pastor's Welcome

Hello Fellow Travels,
Hundreds of years ago, a few people made the decision to follow God and build a church in Enon, Ohio. And since then, we have been following that call. The small-town love comes through in our quaint church, full of history, love, service, mission, and fellowship. Our congregation is dedicated to helping others, enjoying time together, and finding ways to continue to love God through loving others in our church and well beyond the walls of this church.
All are welcome in this journey of life as we travel together through work and faith, mission and glory, love and sacrifice. We work hard to create a community that is open to exploring questions that may not have answers, finding God in Sunday services, laughing during fellowship time, and reaching out to all people during our mission service projects and events. We believe God is calling us beyond the church to find ways to reach into the community to live out the principles of the Christian Church and we take seriously the tenants of the United Church of Christ.
We believe that the table is God’s table, not ours, so all are invited, and none are excluded. All are cherished, celebrated, and welcomed at the table to join in the eating and drinking with Christ and others in our beloved community. We support one another through our love for God and our love for our neighbors, just like Christ called as the greatest commandments. We do this by living out our love to those who join us regularly on Sunday mornings, or those who use our building for outsides events, or those who we pass on the street and have nothing to do with our church.
We are encouraging by finding opportunities to see the divine in all people and all around us, whether through deeply connected relationships, or short term relationships that serve a purpose for us in our lives. As we experience the face of Jesus in one another and ourselves, we are blessed with gratitude, hope and joy despite any suffering, service or sacrifice we encounter.
We are aware that all people are loved by God, no matter who we are or where we are on life’s journey, and we are so grateful every day to serve a God who knows us intimately and loves us anyway. Our lives together are rooted in forgiveness, compassion, joy, and love, and we would love for you to be moved by God’s Still Speaking Spirit to join us for worship, fellowship, or time in reflection and conversation.

May blessings abound,
Reverend Katie Peterson-Madden

Total Website Visits: 137908

United Church of Christ

Southwestern Ohio Northern Kentucky Association United Church of Christ

Heartland Conference United Church of Christ